Account of receipts & expenses from George Vickers to Benjamin Chew, Jr. for Kent County plantation, July 22, 1831


Account of receipts & expenses from George Vickers to Benjamin Chew, Jr. for Kent County plantation, July 22, 1831
Account of expenses and money received on Benjamin Chew, Jr.'s behalf by George Vickers in Kent County. Many of the entries are related to the slaves presumably at Whitehall, the Chew plantation in Delaware. The first page is dedicated to rent received from primarily two parties, Mme. P. Davis and simply "Methodists." On the following page are entries for various repairs on the house, and $1 to a printer for "advertising negroes to hire or sell." The following two lines are medical expenses for "Delia"- the first to a doctor for his attendance to Delia and Julia, the second possibly a midwife for "attendance on Delia in childbed." Second to last entry on this page is another expense for the doctor to see "Delia and child" for $3. The third page lists $2 cash received from Alex Smith for the hiring out of Delia and Phillis. Another $40 was received for the hiring of "negro man Sam Chambers [sp?]." The final page of expenses from 1831 bring forth Delia and child again- a payment of $1 for groceries, $3 for a midwife, and 50 cents for wood to "keep them from freezing." Another dollar was given to Phillis to purchase "necessaries" for Delia to "keep her from starving."
Vickers, George
Date Created
Is Part Of
Chew family papers (2050) | Box 76| Folder 40
Spatial Coverage
Philadelphia (Pa.)
Slavery--United States--History |Chew family |Plantation life
4 pages
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Chew Family Papers


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